foods that make you sleep

Foods that will help you sleep

Some foods play a role in determining your sleep quality.Tryptophan is a sleep-promoting substance,it is mostly found in milk,eggs,banana,seeds and honey.Whole wheat bread also plays a role in increasing the level of tryptophan in blood so favor small sandwiches for dinner.If you suffer from insomnia it is advised to eat properly before going to bed ,have a small snack such as yogurt for example.People who eat high fat foods suffer from a disruption in their eating cycle.

For better sleep,cut all sources of caffeine such as coffee,decaffeinated coffee,tea and chocolate at least 6 to 8 hours before going to bed.Check some of your prescription drugs as they might sometimes contain caffeine and disrupt your sleep cycle.Alcohol may help you fall asleep faster but it will not provide your body with a good sleep quality.You may experience frequent awakenings, less restful sleep, headaches, night sweats and nightmares.If you are drinking alcohol balance each drink with a glass of water.Lying down with a full belly might make you uncomfortable because digestion slows down when you sleep.If you are having a heavy meal,sleep 3 to 4 hours later.Skip proteins before bedtime because they are hard to digest.Cut fluids after 8 p.m as it will cause interrupted sleep. Avoid smoking before sleep and all together as it acts as a stimulant just like caffeine.

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