the secret of weight loss

The secret of weight loss

I have been dedicating my life to help people lose weight, accept themselves, regulate their cholesterol and glucose blood level however if someone asks me what is the success to weight loss I would give one single answer; listen to your body; listen to its biological needs, cravings and frustrations.

I personally realized that I lost some weight without doing any effort, I used to be very picky about my food intake I always made sure to exercise every day, to avoid fried foods and deserts. I then realized that the day I stopped planning every bite and cheat meal and I started listening to my body’s satiety and hunger signals I lost some weight and maintained it.

Household chores, cooking and walking to the market burn calories and bring us back to the days where the average population was much lighter due to the absence of technology such as cars, smart phones, internet and 4G. Should you all do the household chores and grocery shopping yourself? Sort off … whenever the situation presents itself go for it especially if you are not exercising. I recently went through an interesting TV Documentary regarding standing desks and their importance. The Documentary talked about the relation between sedentary lifestyle and the incidence of death and studies showed that the more people stayed behind desks the more they were likely to die younger. Exercising few times and then sitting down the whole week behind your office will not help in improving your health status as the body needs to move during the day for its wellbeing. From now on while working, try to go for a 5 minutes walk every hour and have your lunch break outdoor if weather and time allow you.

Keep in mind general guidelines for a healthy lifestyle and listen to your body’s signs of satiety and hunger .Let us say you spent the day craving a chocolate cake and you ate it with some more treats, the body usually won’t be craving on the next day so it will balance itself unless you command it to eat what you want it to eat thus making it unable to follow its own rhythm thus overeating out of guilt and entering the spiral of emotional eating. Move whenever you have the occasion and eat what your body feels like not what your frustrations dictate you to have and you will reach peace and moderation.